Sounds like a very interesting project! We shall definitely follow it and modestly contribute. None of the apps available today are precise, rigorous or informative. We wish you a great success, because we believe thank to your work consumers will know they like a wine even before tasting it.

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Thank you. This is an effort that will require the industry's support. It takes a village . . . Happy New Year.

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Hey Paul, that is by far the most amazing wine project I ever heard of. Your drive to keep seeing the wine industry through to the 21st century, despite so much friction and lack of enthusiasm from the industry itself, is nothing short of impressive. I look fiesta to see how it all comes together.

On a side note, your little riff about balance strikes a strong chord with me. Thanks for reminding us to take a breather for our own sake.

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Good luck Paul - and all the team - and another much needed initiative to help the wine industry better understand its potential through data and analysis. I look forward to hearing, reading and discovering more about what Pix can do in the future. Cheers. Richard. The-Buyer.net

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Let's get on the phone soon so we can share more of what we're up to. Also would be good to catch up in general Chief. Always good to hear from you.

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Great Article. Thanks, Paul.

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Incredible thesis on a topic that only a few took seriously prior to March. Now, the momentum is building. Looking forward to what pix.wine will do.

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Thank you my friend. You'll have a front-row seat.

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Sneak preview, please! Your energy and passion never ceases to impress me, PM.

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Sending you an email with a sneak peek time my friend.

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I marvel at your energy and commitment to our beloved wine world. I've watched you go over the years Paul, and I'm thrilled that we have a bright star to guide us.

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Sally, seeing your name warms my heart and I was just telling my wife about you the other day. Kismet. Sending you all my best wishes for success and joy this year and when the pandemic settles, I plan on making you one of my first visits. It’s been too long.

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You're sweet. I've been following your career for all these years and am so proud of you. Please do come find me - I'd love to see you again.

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" Wine is a time machine in a bottle. A journey to a time and a place in the past. And wine comes to define a time, a moment, a place, in the present." Looks like someone has been listening to my lectures!

But I worry about any company that devotes so much space to how great their own name is...

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Thanks Paul. If you saw my last blog, the name was a major concern in the process. I didn’t want anything that started Vin in such a noisy category or some terrible “name by committee” like Trivago. I promise we have our eye on the prize with this team. It’s about making the platform a key wine buyer’s utility. Happy to share more my friend, just reach out.

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All I can say is It's About Time for wine to catchup. Let's hope there's a great business model inside.

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Pam, happy to share the model. I think you’ll be impressed.

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Good stuff. Best wishes for the Reformation of Wine in 2021 and beyond.

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As we enter a new year with much hope, this offers great hope for the future of wine discovery and connections. Very well done Paul and Team!

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Thank you my friend. Your encouragement and support will help us in our success.

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My brain just exploded. A lot to take in here. Well compiled and thought out. Onward.

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Looking forward to working together in 2021.

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